@database EGS @master EGS/Readme/EGS-MWB-Icons.guide @$VER: 1.4 @author "Timo C. Nentwig" @(c) "EGS-MWB-Icon Copyright 1994/95 by Timo C. Nentwig" @node "main" "EGS MWB Icons" @{b}Version 1.4@{ub} @{b}Welcome to the EGS MWB Icons@{ub} @{" Important " link "Important" } Please read this ! @{" Introduction " link "Introduction" } What is it ? @{" System Requirements " link "System Requirements" } What does I need ? @{" Presentation " link "Presentation" } Presentation of EGS-Icons ! @{" Author " link "Author" } Who created this archive ? @{" Martin Huttenloher " link "MWB" } What about Martin ? @endnode @node "Important" "Important" @next "Introduction" @{b}@{u}This Archive Is Mail-/PMWare!@{ub}@{uu} @{b}THIS ARCHIVE IS 1994 by @{" Timo Nentwig !" link "Author" 0}@{ub} @{b}ALL RIGHTS RESERVED !@{ub} This archive is for registered MagicWB user, @{u}ONLY@{uu} ! Please note that this archive has a now ! Until V1.2 there was no copyright. This archive is @{b}Mail-/PMWare@{ub}, 'cause I want to see how much people use my icons. If nobody use them (write me mail) I won't go on the developing of the EGS icons or I won't make them public. It's not difficult to write an EMail, so please do this ! IF you're not able to send me an EMail, then please send me a normal letter ;-) Of course, if you don't live in Germany you haven't to send me a letter which sending would cost you a lot of money ... @endnode @node "Introduction" "Introduction" This archive contains some (hopefully useful) icons for the @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}E@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}nhanced @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}G@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}raphics @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}S@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}ystem (short @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}) V6.2! I've repaint all standard icons. These icons were 1st to big, and 2nd in terrible 4 colors (standard C= WB), only and they were much times to big, too .... so: they looked @{b}very bad@{ub}!! I tried to repaint all these icons into @{b}@{fg highlight}MagicWB's@{ub}@{fg text} style ( Copyright by @{" Martin Huttenloher" link "MWB" 0} ). I've included icons for some additional @{fg highlight}EGS-Tools@{fg text}, too. If you have any suggestions, critics, "bug" reports, questions (or answers :), then @{b}don't wait too long@{ub} ! @{" Contact !" link "Author" 0} @endnode @node "Presentation" "Presentation" This archive contains more than @{b}@{u}60 icons and 1 dockbrush@{ub}@{uu} for using instead of the standard bad-looking WB set. Here you have an DirectoryTree of this archive. Press on a button and you'll get a description or a comment for this file. @{b}@{u}EGS@{ub}@{uu} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Paint@{ub}@{uu} @{b}| \---@{u}Modules@{ub}@{uu} @{b}| \---@{u}Images@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"IFF24.imagemodule.info" link "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\IFF24.imagemodule.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"JPEG.imagemodule.info " link "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\JPEG.imagemodule.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}| Images.info@{ub} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-SpectraPaint.info" link "EGS\EGS-Paint\EGS-SpectraPaint.info" 0} @{b}| Modules.info@{ub} @{b}|@{ub} @{"TVPaint.info" link "EGS\EGS-Paint\TVPaint.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Prefs@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Colors.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Color.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-DisplayAdjust.info" link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-DisplayAdjust.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Fonts.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Fonts.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Input.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Input.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Mouse.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Mouse_2.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-NightShift.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-NightShift_2.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-ScreenMode.info " link "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Screenmode.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Readme@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-MWB-Icons.guide" link "EGS\Readme\EGS-MWB-Icons.guide" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Storage@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"AmigaDriver.info" link "EGS\Storage\AmigaDriver.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Connection.info " link "EGS\Storage\Connection.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"def_Border.info " link "EGS\Storage\def_border.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"def_Driver.info " link "EGS\Storage\def_Driver.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Utils@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Clock.info " link "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Clock_2.info" link "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Eyes.info " link "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Eyes.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Palette.info" link "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Palette.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Tools@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Lens.info" link "EGS\EGS-Tools\EGS-Lens.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Fractal@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"MultiFractals.info" link "EGS\EGS-Fractal\MultiFractal.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Sound@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"SoundPlay.info " link "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"SoundPlay_2.info" link "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}DevStuff@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Template.info" link "EGS\DevStuff\Template.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Dock@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Dock.brush" link "EGS\Dock\EGS-Dock.brush" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Extras@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Dock.info " link "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dock.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Dos.info " link "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Dos_2.info" link "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"FPlotter.info " link "EGS\EGS-Extras\FPlotter.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Game@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Chess.info " link "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Chess.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Tris.info" link "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Tris.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Game.info " link "EGS\EGS-Game\Game.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Text@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Editor.info " link "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Editor_2.info" link "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-More.info" link "EGS\EGS-Text\EGS-More.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Hooks@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"def_Hook.info " link "EGS\EGS-Hooks\def_Hook.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"HookPicture.info" link "EGS\EGS-Hooks\HookPicture.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}Misc@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Calculation.info " link "EGS\Misc\Calculation.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Calculation_2.info" link "EGS\Misc\Calculation_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Calculator.info " link "EGS\Misc\Calculator.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"Database.info " link "EGS\Misc\Database.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EIBB@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EIBB.info " link "EGS\EIBB\EIBB.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EIBB_2.info" link "EGS\EIBB\EIBB_2.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Print@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGSPrint.info" link "EGS\EGS-Print\EGSPrint.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-Info@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Info.info" link "EGS\EGS-Info\EGS-Info.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}+---@{u}EGS-System@{ub}@{uu} @{b}|@{ub} @{"EGS-Shell.info " link "EGS\EGS-System\EGS-Shell.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{"MemControl.info" link "EGS\EGS-System\MemControl.info" 0} @{b}|@{ub} @{b}\---@{u}EGS-Pic@{ub}@{uu} @{"CAD.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\Cad.info" 0} @{"EGS-Grab.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab.info" 0} @{"EGS-Grab_2.info" link "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_2.info" 0} @{"EGS-Grab_3.info" link "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_3.info" 0} @{"EGS-Show.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Show.info" 0} @{"EGS-View.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-View.info" 0} @{"JPEG.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG.info" 0} @{"JPEG_2.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_2.info" 0} @{"JPEG_3.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_3.info" 0} @{"MultiScan.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\Multiscan.info" 0} @{"PlayDIFF.info " link "EGS\EGS-Pic\PlayDIFF.info" 0} @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\IFF24.imagemodule.info" "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\IFF24.imagemodule.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Paint/Modules/Images/JPEG.imagemodule.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the loader/saver-module of "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}SpectraPaint@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\JPEG.imagemodule.info" "EGS\EGS-Paint\Modules\Images\JPEG.imagemodule.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Paint/Modules/Images/JPEG.imagemodule.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the loader/saver-module of "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}SpectraPaint@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Paint\EGS-SpectraPaint.info" "EGS\EGS-Paint\EGS-SpectraPaint.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Paint/EGS-SpectraPaint.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS paint programm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}SpectraPaint@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Paint\TVPaint.info" "EGS\EGS-Paint\TVPaint.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Paint/TVPaint.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the great paint programm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}TVPaint 2.0@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Color.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Color.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Color.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS color setting tool. With this programm you're able to define the color of nealy all Gadgets etc. of EGS. It's like the @{b}@{fg highlight}palette@{ub}@{fg text} preferences of C='s @{b}@{fg highlight}OS3.0+@{ub}@{fg text} @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-DisplayAdjust.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-DisplayAdjust.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-DisplayAdjust.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}DisplayAdjust@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} tool. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}DisplayAdjust@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is a tool like C='s "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Overscan@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" preferences. But it gives you the possibility to create your own Screenmode. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Fonts.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Fonts.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Fonts.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS fonts setting tool. With @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Fonts@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} you're able to change the system-,screen- and window-font of the EGS-System. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Input.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Input.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Input.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS input preferences "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Input@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Mouse.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS mouse tool. With @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Mouse@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} preferences you're able to draw your own mouse. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Mouse_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Mouse_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alternate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Mouse.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Nightshift.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS blanker preferences. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Nightshift_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Nightshift_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alternate icon for "EGS-Nightshift". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Screenmode.info" "EGS\EGS-Prefs\EGS-Screenmode.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Prefs/EGS-Screenmode.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS screenmode setting tool. With this tool you're able to choose the screenmode for the @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Default@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} screen and its colordepth. @endnode @node "EGS\Readme\EGS-MWB-Icons.guide" "EGS\Readme\EGS-MWB-Icons.guide" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Readme/EGS-MWB-Icons.guide@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} The guide you're currendly reading :-) @endnode @node "EGS\Storage\AmigaDriver.info" "EGS\Storage\AmigaDriver.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Storage/AmigaDriver.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the Amiga driver. The driver for @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}AmigaOS@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. This programm allows you to let the rest of @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Amiga@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} programms run on the graphics board. @endnode @node "EGS\Storage\Connection.info" "EGS\Storage\Connection.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Storage/Connection.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for nothing :-) Maybe you can use it for @{b}@{fg highlight}LEGSa@{ub}@{fg text}, @{b}@{fg highlight}LEGSb@{ub}@{fg text} etc. I drawed this icon for the @{b}@{fg highlight}accessories@{ub}@{fg text} of the music software "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Bars&Pipes@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}", but it looks so cool that I wanted to release it :-) @endnode @node "EGS\Storage\def_border.info" "EGS\Storage\def_border.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Storage/def_border.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the @{b}@{fg highlight}borders@{ub}@{fg text}. You'll use it, if you run more than one gfx board on your system. @endnode @node "EGS\Storage\def_Driver.info" "EGS\Storage\def_Driver.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Storage/def_Driver.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for ths default driver. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock.info" "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Utils/EGS-Clock.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for standard "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Clock@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Clock_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Utils/EGS-Clock_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Clock.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Eyes.info" "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Eyes.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Utils/EGS-Eyes.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS eyes programm. This programm is really rather useless. A window will pop up which contains 2 eyes that always follow the pointer. I dont know if anybody use it but I drawed although an icon for it. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Palette.info" "EGS\EGS-Utils\EGS-Palette.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Utils/EGS-Palette.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the palette tool. With the help of this tool you're able to define a @{b}@{fg highlight}color@{ub}@{fg text} - out of the @{b}@{fg highlight}24Bit@{ub}@{fg text} range. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor.info" "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Text/Editor.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Editor@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" This tool is a PD programm. The editor use the EGS multiwindow feature, but @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}GoldED@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is better :-) @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Text\Editor_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Text/Editor_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Editor.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Text\EGS-More.info" "EGS\EGS-Text\EGS-More.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Text/More.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the standard @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-More@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} programm. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-More@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is similar to C='s "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}More@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". If you have OS3.0+ you should use @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Multiview@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Tools\EGS-Lens.info" "EGS\EGS-Tools\EGS-Lens.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Tools/EGS-Lens.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS lens programm. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Lens@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is a really good magnifer. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Fractal\MultiFractal.info" "EGS\EGS-Fractal\MultiFractal.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Fractal/MultiFractal.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the fractal generator "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Multifractal@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Multifractal@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is a PD tool for creating fractals :-) @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay.info" "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Sound/SoundPlay.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any EGS programm that does have to do with music. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Sound\SoundPlay_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Sound/SoundPlay_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alternate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}SoundPlay.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\DevStuff\Template.info" "EGS\DevStuff\Template.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/DevStuff/Template.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} The template if you want to draw your own EGS icons. (you @{u}have@{uu} to send me a copy of your work :) @endnode @node "EGS\Dock\EGS-Dock.brush" "EGS\Dock\EGS-Dock.brush" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Dock/EGS-Dock.brush@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Dockbrush for using with @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Toolmanager@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. Use it to run the @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Dock@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} system from WB. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos.info" "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Extras/EGS-Dos.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the PD dir-utility "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Dos@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" ( by Alexander Golde) @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}DirOpus@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}-like tool running under EGS. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Extras\EGS-Dos_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Extras/EGS-Dos_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Dos@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Extras\FPlotter.info" "EGS\EGS-Extras\FPlotter.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Extras/FPlotterinfo@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the standard function plotter. A rather cool programm with raytracing option etc. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Chess.info" "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Chess.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Game/EGS-Chess.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any EGS chess programm. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Tris.info" "EGS\EGS-Game\EGS-Tris.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Game/EGS-Tris.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for EGS' version of the great @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Tetris@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} game. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Game\Game.info" "EGS\EGS-Game\Game.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Game/Game.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Global icon for EGS games. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Hooks\def_Hook.info" "EGS\EGS-Hooks\def_Hook.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Hooks/def_Hook.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any EGS @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}hook@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} you have on your HD. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Hooks\HookPicture.info" "EGS\EGS-Hooks\HookPicture.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Hooks/HookPicture.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS progamm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}HookPicture@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}HookPicture@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is similar to C='s @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}WBPattern@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. You allows you to put pictures (up to @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}24Bit@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}) in the background of an EGS screen. With the Version 7 of EGS you'll get an programm called @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}ShadowHook@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. This programm is nealy the same as @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}HookPicture@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} so you can use the same icon. @endnode @node "EGS\Misc\Calculator.info" "EGS\Misc\Calculator.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Misc/Calculator.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any calculator running under EGS. @endnode @node "EGS\Misc\Calculation.info" "EGS\Misc\Calculation.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Misc/Calculation.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any calculation programm running under EGS. @endnode @node "EGS\Misc\Calculation_2.info" "EGS\Misc\Calculation_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Misc/Calculation_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Calculation.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\Misc\Database.info" "EGS\Misc\Database.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/Misc/Database.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any database running under EGS. @endnode @node "EGS\EIBB\EIBB.info" "EGS\EIBB\EIBB.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EIBB/EIBB.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the PD utility @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EIBB@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} ( Alexander Golde). @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EIBB@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} is the EGS version of @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}AIBB@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. It's an benchmark tool. @endnode @node "EGS\EIBB\EIBB_2.info" "EGS\EIBB\EIBB_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EIBB/EIBB_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EIBB.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Print\EGSPrint.info" "EGS\EGS-Print\EGSPrint.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Print/EGSPrint.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the EGS printer programm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGSPrint@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Info\EGS-Info.info" "EGS\EGS-Info\EGS-Info.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Info/EGS-Info.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Default icon for any EGS info tool. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-System\EGS-Shell.info" "EGS\EGS-System\EGS-Shell.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-System/EGS-Shell.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the on EGS based shell. This shell uses the standard C= shell, but uses the EGS Console (@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}ECON@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}) to display it on an EGS screen. @{b}@{fg highlight}Attention !@{ub}@{fg text} Maybe you'll have problems, if you use the @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}CSH@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Anderas M. Kirchwitz) @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-System\MemControl.info" "EGS\EGS-System\MemControl.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-System/MemControl.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any EGS programm that has to do with mem :-) @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\Cad.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\Cad.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/Cad.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any CAD programm running under EGS. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/EGS-Grab.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the standard EGS grabbing tool "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Grab@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". This programm allows you to make screenshots of any screen running under you EGS gfx board. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/EGS-Grab_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Grab.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_3.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Grab_3.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/EGS-Grab_3.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Grab.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/JPEG.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any EGS JPEG viewer (e.g. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}T-Pex@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} or @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Show@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}) @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_2.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_2.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/JPEG_2.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}JPEG.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_3.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\JPEG_3.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/JPEG_3.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Alernate icon for "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}JPEG.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}" @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Show.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-Show.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/EGS-Show.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the PD programm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-Show@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". This programm is a viewer for @{b}@{fg highlight}JPEG@{ub}@{fg text} and @{b}@{fg highlight}GIF@{ub}@{fg text} images. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-View.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\EGS-View.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/EGS-View.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for the standard EGS IFF viewing programm "@{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}EGS-View@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}". This programm display @{b}@{fg highlight}IFF@{ub}@{fg text} images on an EGS window. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\Multiscan.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\Multiscan.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/Multiscan.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any scanning programm running under EGS. E.g. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}PicoScan@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} or @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}Multiscan@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}. @endnode @node "EGS\EGS-Pic\PlayDIFF.info" "EGS\EGS-Pic\PlayDIFF.info" @{b}@{u}@{fg shine}EGS/EGS-Pic/PlayDIFF.info@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text} Icon for any DIFF viewer (e.g. @{b}@{u}@{fg highlight}MagicLantern@{ub}@{uu}@{fg text}). This viewer uses an special anim format (@{b}@{fg highlight}DIFF@{ub}@{fg text}:) which allows you to play @{b}@{bg fill}8@{ub}@{bg back} or @{b}@{bg fill}24Bit@{ub}@{bg back} anim in realtime under EGS ! @endnode @node "System Requirements" "System Requirements" What should I say ? What do you need for some icons ? Well, I've tried to find some things. Here there are: @{b}@{bg fill}1)@{ub}@{bg back} @{" MagicWB !!!!!" link "Why" 0} @{b}@{bg fill}2)@{ub}@{bg back} A screen where the X an Y resolution is (nearly) propotional. @{b}@{bg fill}3)@{ub}@{bg back} A HD, of course. @{b}@{bg fill}4)@{ub}@{bg back} of course OS 2.0+ (before it's not possible to run a 8 color WB!) @{b}@{bg fill}5)@{ub}@{bg back} The EGS system ... @endnode @node "Author" "Author" EMail to: @{b}Tcn@lbcmbx.in-berlin.de (BBS)@{ub} @{b}Tcn@agw.lbcmbx.bln.sub.org (Private Site)@{ub} ... or write a letter to @{b}Timo C. Nentwig@{ub} @{b}Edelhofdamm 35@{ub} @{b}13465 Berlin@{ub} @{b}Germany@{ub} @endnode @node "MWB" "MWB" I think it's very important to say that a lot of objects I used were taken from Martin Huttenloher's @{b}@{fg highlight}MagicWB@{ub}@{fg text} archive ! So please register by Martin (if you haven't done this, yet)!!! He created the MagicWB style and I hope you respect it! This was and is a really great work ! @{b}@{u}Please register by Martin to enable MagicWB's Future !!@{ub}@{uu} IF nobody register by Martin, he'll stop to create cool looking icons etc. or he won't make them public so @{b}please support him@{ub}! I wrote him a lot of EMails and I've the feeling that Martin has lost a little bit of the fun for producing new icons. He doesn't put so much energy in MagicWB. @{b}@{u}Martin's EMail number:@{ub}@{uu} @{b}@{u}EMail:@{ub}@{uu} @{b}xen@magic.in-ulm.de (Internet)@{ub} @{" register?" link "Why" 0} @{" MagicWB " link "MWB2.0" 0} @endnode @node "Why" "Why" MagicWB has been and will be a time-consuming work for me. If you like this product you should support me with the registration fee. This will @{b}enable future versions of MagicWB@{ub}. There might be some people out there in the AMIGA community who think "It is absolutely ridiculous to pay for a bunch of Icons, Patterns and Fonts". Well, let me say this: MagicWB is truly not a program, that's clear. But why should a program be worth more than a package where the author probably invested the same amount of time as another author with his program. Anyway, MagicWB @{b}is software@{ub}. But in this whole discussion there is one thing being neglected that finally counts: Do I (the user) like this software or not? And if I (the user) @{b}use@{ub} it and @{b}enjoy@{ub} it, it surely @{b}is@{ub} worth the price. There is another attitude in the AMIGA community: "Why should I pay for a software I already have?!" Well, let me just say a few words about this: At the beginning of this project I was playing with the idea of making a "cripple-version" of MagicWB (this concept is probably known to you as CrippleWare or TryWare). Somehow this had become a fashion under the AMIGA FD-Community. This crippled version of MagicWB should only include a limited selection of the complete package (just for the user to see if he liked the software or not). I decided @{b}not@{ub} to do this, because I personally do not like this "fashion" and second, I noticed that most of the users would not even try to test the software because it was "CrippleWare" (they just deleted the archive). Somehow, users developed an "anti-crippleware-attitude"... Therefore I decided to release the @{b}full@{ub} version of MagicWB. This is my first Shareware product and your attitude towards this concept will strongly influence the future of MagicWB. I really hope that especially the german users (who are known for their strange attitude towards the Shareware concept, as described above) will not let me down. @{b}Your feedback will definitely affect any further development of MagicWB.@{ub} I know that I took a great risk into consideration as I decided to release the full version of MagicWB, because I knew that I probably would not get much response. But I really do not want to force you to anything or shake a warning finger at you! It should be as simple as this: If you like it and use it, you will have to register. If you don't like it, well, that's ok. Then you will not register yourself and are not allowed to use it. Anything else is a matter of good conscience. Thank you for your insight. @endnode @node "MWB2.0" "MWB2.0" THE ########## ########################################### ############ ## ### ####### ####### ######## ## ############ ## ## ### ## ## ############ ######## ###### ## #### ## ### ## ## ### ## ## ## ### ## ## ###### ######## ## ############ ## ########## ############################### STANDARDIZED AMIGA SHAREWARE GROUP ------------------------------------- PRESENTS MagicWB v2.0 ============ The definitive WB-Enhancer no Amiga can do without. MagicWB is a full replacement for the graphic user interface of the Workbench and has be- come the standard on the Amiga. MagicWB 2.0 is completely restructured on a new color-allocation scheme which more than doubles the speed of the WB and reduces chip-consumption to only a third compared with all previous versions and also features a highly improved color palette. MWB 2.0 introduces a never-before-seen standard for over four dozen of new image-drawers to achieve a more diversified look on your WB. More icons, dock-brushes, a dozen of new patterns, fonts and a AA-support complete this special product. This is version 2.0, a major update (upgrade) to version 1.5. NEW FEATURES ------------ o MagicWB is an SASG product. o The conception of MagicWB has completely changed. Color allocation, management and display of the patterns and the color palette have been significantly altered and improved. It is highly recommended to update any older MagicWB version for the new color allocation system paves the way for all forthcoming MagicWB versions, also for the conceived 16-color-WB (of which the realization is dependent on the amount of registrations for this current version 2.0). Besides, many other program packages are already supporting the new color system. o A "demon" (a special utility) is now working in the background and watches over the correct color palette display under any resolution, screen depth and on any graphics board. He takes care of the palette re-allocation when a new screen is opened and checks which patterns have to be remapped or not. (OS3.x) Furthermore the user can now again define his own colors for the cursor without getting in conflict with the MagicWB palette. o Due to the new color system MagicWB has become 2-3 times faster than any previous version, nearly as fast as the original Commodore 4-color-WB! At the same time it needs 67% less chip memory and over 50% less diskspace on the system partition. The increase of speed is enormous. Also the patterns are displayed much faster without getting dithered anymore. o The MagicWB palette has been considerably improved, especially AA- and graphics board users will benefit from this new palette. Because of the fine increments of the 8-bit palette (8 bits per gun) the MagicWB palette could be optimized to the maximum of perfection. The palette is a little bit darker now to compensate for the old imperfection to manually decrease the black-level (brightness) of the monitor (since the old palette has always been too bright and resulted in a loss of the 3-D-effect of MagicWB's icons and patterns). Furthermore the gradient's 3-D-effect was improved by increasing the difference of the brightness level between the colors halfshine and halfshadow. This results in a strong 3-D-effect of the brown and gray gradients. Finally, the saturation of all colors is increased which leads to a far more vivid workbench with richer colors. o As a foretaste of the planned AA-version, MagicWB already offers a AA-support: Some new patterns exploit the possibilities of the AA-Chipset by using the copper in a way which results in a workbench background with a 24-bit color-gradient. This smashing workstation-look just needs a 16-color workbench in conjunction with MagicWB and its new utility 'MagicCopper'. o The patterns (in a new format now) will also work under OS2.x without having to be converted. o A dozen of new patterns in the MagicWB-style were added: Wonderful backgrounds like, for example, various stone structures, marble effects, sand, paper, rain, leather and gradient logos like IntelOutside, MagicWB etc. o All third-party icons which were displayed in a distorted color look before are now correctly displayed by the new 'MagicWB-Demon'. o 'IconUpdate' features a new and powerful workbench-mode: Old icons can now easily be converted to MagicWB-style icons by dragging the specified icons over an app-window and dropping them onto it (drag&drop). This guarantees a quick processing of many icons in only a few minutes. o MagicWB 2.0 invents a new standard for the Amiga workbench: Image- Drawers! This provides the user with a far more diversified look of the workbench. Each drawer gets its own specific imagery which shows the content of the drawer. The complete System-partition will be equipped with the new image-drawers by default with the Installer. Altogether over 50 different image-drawers are being supplied with the new MagicWB 2.0. This should be complete to cover all different categories. The placing of these special drawers is carried out by the new drag&drop feature of 'IconUpdate' which makes this task a piece of cake. All your partitions are set up within minutes to achieve this refurbished and decent look of your Amiga. o 'UpdateDrawers' recognizes these new image-drawers and skips them while performing its update on the normal drawer icons. This feature saves you a lot of time since you won't need to place the image-drawers again. o The default icons have been reworked (new trashcan, drawer etc.). New default icons for other programs have been added (def_KingCON, def_MUI etc.) o The device icons have been strongly improved and now do have the same standardized height to ensure a perfect horizontal alignment on the workbench screen. New device icons have been added (CD, Network, Cartridge, etc.) o A new XEN-font was added: XEN/11. This font now features all characters and is perfectly suitable for higher resolutions as a fixed system font. o New dock-brushes were added, some old dock-brushes were improved and redesigned from scratch. o The style of all MagicWB-Icons has been improved: The annoying blue border has disappeared and was replaced by the color halfshadow. o Many old MagicWB-Icons have been improved and redesigned (i.e. Prefs) and various new icons have been added. o The Installer was considerably improved. Installations and updates are both performed by the Installer now and the system analysis is far more precise. There shouldn't be any problems by now. o A bonus directory can be found in the new MagicWB 2.0. It carries a couple of presets in the MagicWB-style for other programs. o MagicWB features a very special "goody". It's a hidden gag! Let's see when you will brace yourself for the real kick... :-) o Various bugfixings were applied on the different MagicWB utilities. REQUIREMENTS ------------ MagicWB needs at least Kickstart/Workbench 2.04. MagicWB runs on all Amigas with a harddrive. A monitor which is able to display square-pixel-screenmodes (like 640x480, 640x512, 800x600, 1024x768 etc.) without flicker is recommended. PRICE ----- A registered version of MagicWB 2.0 can be ordered for US$ 20,- or DM 30,- (or any other currency supported by the SASG registration program) with the help of the SASG registration program. The SASG registration program is available everywhere: BBSs, german magazine's extra disks (AMIGA-Magazine, AMIGA-Plus) and of course on Aminet. Over half a year of development was invested in MagicWB 2.0. It is a major update (upgrade), which means that it is a bigger update for which you have to pay. All registered MagicWB users can obtain MagicWB 2.0 for only half the price of the standardized SASG registration fee, i.e. US$ 10,- or DM 15,- (or any other currency supported by the SASG registration program). Of course, the SASG registration program can also be found in the MagicWB package 'MagicWB20d.lha' which is available on Aminet: any Aminet mirror, directory: biz/demo Have fun! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Huttenloher | Bank Account: Am Hochstraess 4 | D-89081 Ulm | Ulmer Volksbank | BLZ: 630 901 00 Germany/Europe | Konto: 165 548 002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @endnode